Alaska Heating Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Program Description
The Alaska Division of Public Assistance administers the Heating Assistance Program to assist low-income households with their home energy costs. The program is funded with Federal block grant dollars.

The Heating Assistance Program accepts applications October 1 through April 30. You may apply any time during this period. The program begins awarding grants on November 1.

Eligibility for the program is based on your household's income and documentation that you pay for home heat, either directly, or indirectly through rent. However, see the contact information below if you live in subsidized rental housing. Household income consists of income, before deductions, received during the calendar month prior to the month you apply.

General Program Requirements
In order to qualify for this benefit program, you must be a resident of the State of Alaska, you must need financial assistance for home energy costs and your household's annual income before taxes must not exceed $16,813 if one person lives in the household; $22,717 if two people live in the household; $28,609 if three people live in the household; $34,501 if four people live in the household; $40,393 if five people live in the household; $46,297 if six people live in the household. For larger households, add $5,892 for each additional person in the home.


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