Women starting a business grant

In the past ten years, the number of women-owned businesses has grown exponentially, and these businesses are just as successful as businesses owned by men. Women seeking capital to finance their business ventures can receive grant money. Grants are available for women starting up businesses in all fields-bed and breakfasts, catering, photography, record labels, greeting cards, craft businesses, consulting, brokerage, and more.

Successful women-owned businesses have boomed in the past decade.

- The number of women-owned businesses has increased exponentially over the past decade.
- Women run companies differently than do men-53% of women business owners are "right-brained," emphasizing their superior use of intuition over analysis, allowing women to see opportunities that might not readily appear to the more left-brained businessmen. Women also tend to use both sides of the brain in decision making, unlike men, giving them a better mix of analysis and creativity, which is critical for small start-up ventures.
- The explosive growth of women-owned businesses over the past decade demonstrates the success of their non-traditional style.
- The US government grants $350 billion in free government grants each year for small business and personal grants.
- Special grants are available for entrepreneurial women to start up a home-based business, thereby allowing women conveniently to stay at home with their children and work at the same time.
- Take the VentureWorthy survey to help find out more about grants for women starting up businesses.


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